
About Toronto Fire Services

The Toronto Fire Services Emergency Medical Services (EMS) section consists of a District Chief, an Acting District Chief, a Program Manager, a Program Developer, and two Command Coordinators. Interim Medical Director Dr. Morgan Hillier and the Sunnybrook Centre for Prehospital Medicine provide medical direction.

Our goal is to provide support and direction to Toronto Firefighters in their role as first responders within the Toronto EMS system. The role of firefighter first responder is, and will continue to be, a valuable component of pre-hospital patient care. As Toronto’s EMS system is faced with the challenge of providing care to an increasing and aging population, its capacity to provide such care is often stretched to the limit. Often this translates to extended patient contact time for our crews as paramedics may be delayed while waiting for hospital beds, or traveling longer distances to calls. Therefore, in order to fill our mandate, the EMS section will work with fire personnel, Toronto Paramedic Services staff and other city employees to ensure that our crews have the best training and equipment to consistently perform at the highest possible level. The relationship between TFS, Toronto Paramedic Services, and Sunnybrook Centre for Prehospital Medicine is unique. The TFS staff, located at the Sunnybrook Campus, participates in a multitude of prehospital care projects and are always available to give a fire perspective on relevant topics.

This arrangement has worked extremely well for all parties and we look forward to a continued close cooperation with both Toronto Paramedic Services and Sunnybrook Centre for Prehospital Medicine staff.

We encourage feedback regarding our role within the Toronto Fire Services and invite you to call or email us with your comments or questions

Firefighter Prehospital Care Program Team

Taylor Bischoff, MD FRCPC MEHP  (she/her)
Emergency Physician
Interim Medical Director, Toronto Fire Services
Sunnybrook Health Sciences & Royal Victoria Hospital Clinical Associate
Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
416-276-5934 • [email protected]